10 weeks old

Posted by brittney pecore photography | Posted on 10:09 PM

Preston is 10 weeks old and FULL of smiles and laughs. He's trying new thing. Dylan is in LOVE with his brother and is such a huge help. They play together. Dylan shows preston how to change each one of his transformers from car to robot and back! and Preston is very intrigued and watches every move dylan makes. Dylan also reads to preston and sings and dances for him. The boys are SO cute together. !!!
This is preston's first time on the swing. I know. 10 weeks is a little early...
But he had SO much fun with Daddy!
And then he got sleepy. =)
Superbowl was fun for preston, but he got really tired at the end. Do you see his football outfit. there are football stiches on the bottoms of the feet!

How great are they! I'm obviously a proud Mom

My baby boy!

Sitting on daddy. Shortly after this he proceeded to spit up right into daddy's mouth! hahaha

Bathtime isnt so bad anymore. preston actually seems to like it (sometimes).

Comments (3)

He just keeps getting cuter everyday! I miss him!!!! I just LOVE the photo of Preston asleep in the swing; that is hilarious!!!

Oh How cute! I love those 2 B&W shots the best! Adorable! Preston better get used to being in front of mommys camera!!

I think I would have paid to see Preston spit up into Nick's mouth, just to see the reaction on his face. The boys are getting so big!