Erin give Nick an IV

Posted by brittney pecore photography | Posted on 4:08 PM

Nick and I had a date night planned, and we went to take the kids to stay with grandma and grandpa. But while we were there, Nick became a pin cussion for Erin to practice placing and IV=) fun story.
Grandma (nick's mom) cuddles with PrestonNick gave erin a FULL lesson on how to place an IV. Here they are examining which vein to use. They are both oddly excited by veins.

The victum changed to Shawn
Checking out veins again
And the victum changed again....

And now... sticking time. look at that needle

And then the blood =) there was a lot of blood.
look at the blood dripping down Erin's hand and onto the mat.

Comments (3)

whoa!!! that must have been "fun" :)

that brings back my medical assistant days memories. i rock at drawing blood. can't say for my other compadres who practiced on me and i looked like a druggie!

Preston is so adorable. I just want to pinch his cheeks. That's for sharing all the wonderful family pictures!