Preston is Crawling!

Posted by brittney pecore photography | Posted on 9:06 PM


Preston's First Time at the beach

Posted by brittney pecore photography | Posted on 8:44 PM


My Mom and I took Preston to the beach, and it was a lot of fun.  He went straight into the sand, which at first he was unsure of, but eventually ate.  Then I realized that he was hungry and from now on, he will eat BEFORE getting all sandy.  =)  live and learn i guess.  We had a lot of fun!

ooooo  what is this?
its soft!

is this ok mom?

oh, good, cuz i like it.
this is different
MOM!  thats cold!!!!  why did you let it touch me????
=( poor baby
i'm just gonna snuggle with nanna.  She's warm and I love her!