Visits for Preston

Posted by brittney pecore photography | Posted on 1:35 PM


This was at Papa Dave's 50th Birthday - wow dad... you're getting old. =) Dylan helped him open all of his presents. and he read him the card that he made for his papa! aunt Elaine & and the new one

Great Grandma & Grandpa with the little burrito

Keekoo Grandma & and her first Great Grandson!

Welcome Preston Dean!

Posted by brittney pecore photography | Posted on 9:16 PM


This is me as a new Mom... a few days after the emergency C section & Preston is in his first "non hospital" outfit. The hat wouldnt fit him once we got home.

Mom & Dad
New Grandma!!! nanna Janie Love to hold her new grandson.
Preston is only a few hours old here

Skin to Skin time with daddy. When Preston got home he lost all of the hair on top of his head and still had hair in the back.... like Grandpa Shawn.
Preston must have thought it was the "in" style.
Mom & Dad & Big Brother Dylan brought the new addition to the family home on Thanksgiving Day. Definately something to be thankful for.
This is my "asain eyes" picture... see.... I did get something from mom!

Dylan's First day of Kindergarden

Posted by brittney pecore photography | Posted on 10:33 AM


Dylan was ALL ready for Kindergarden. He had his new Superman backpack and new clothes! ALL of his parents walked him to school!